If you are in distress or require an urgent appointment, kindly reach out to our reception desk through the following contact details:
Australia: 1300 307 912, New Zealand: 04 886 3160, other countries: +61 8 9388 9000.

If you are at risk of harm, it is crucial to contact your local emergency services:
Australia: 000, New Zealand: 111.

Welcome to Country Education Foundation (CEF)'s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

We take your privacy seriously. Before we go any further, we need to verify your mobile phone number.

Country flag of Australia +61

If you do not have an Australian mobile phone number, or if you are having issues with your phone or your mobile number has changed please call us on Australia: 1300 307 912, New Zealand: 04 886 3160, other countries: +61 8 9388 9000, or use this form instead.